Wednesday, December 22, 2010

How secure is your password ??

My Password is secure; What about you??

What is a password?
Is it a code to protect your account?
Yes, password is combination of character, symbol, and numbers etc. to protect your account.
Last year, a  website published that most of the people used their password as 123456, a-z, 0-9 & their name.. It doesn’t make any sense in this world as this is very easy to identify by hackers.
                                      I think now you have a question in your mind.. “How can we   set a secure password?”
 It is  very easy to set a  secure password. When  you set a  password, it must contain at least one symbol, upper case letter , lower case letter,  number etc.. Minimum 10 letters  are  needed in your password..
Suppose you created a mail account in Hotmail [First E-mail service by Sabir Bhatiya]. Then registered your details in other website using your mail id with same password.. So your password is shared.
Remember ::When you want to register in a website , you must use different password for that website..
One important things is that your account provider will not ask your password by E-mail. If you want   someone’s password, you can hack it. If you do this job it’s a cyber-crime. So never try hacking. To type password , it is better to use ‘on screen keyboard’. Because  keylogger software will get your password, if it is in your computer.
                   To secure your password, use on screen keyboard and  to type your password & your password must contain lower case, upper case character, symbol and numbers . My password is now secure; what about you??
Happy, but careful browsing J

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